100 US Rights Groups Plan Protest Against CCP, Xi During Visit With Biden

Alex Wu
By Alex Wu
November 12, 2023China News
100 US Rights Groups Plan Protest Against CCP, Xi During Visit With Biden
Minorities protest at the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco to condemn the Chinese Communist Party on China’s National Day on Oct. 1, 2020. (Ilene Eng/The Epoch Times)

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Xi Jinping will go to San Francisco from Nov. 14 to Nov. 17 to meet with U.S. President Joe Biden and also attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, the Chinese communist regime’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Nov. 10. This will be Mr. Xi’s first visit to the United States in six years.

At the same time, more than a hundred rights groups in the United States are preparing for the largest protests against the CCP and Mr. Xi during his visit.

On Nov. 7, 59 human rights organizations issued an open letter calling on Biden to prioritize human rights issues during the talk with Mr. Xi. They demanded the release of prisoners of conscience, such as Peng Lifa, Xu Zhiyong, Ding Jiaxi, and Jimmy Lai, and urged the CCP to stop violating human rights and forced disappearances of Chinese citizens.

Jie Lijian, head of the anti-communist activities in Los Angeles and CEO of the China Democratic National Joint Headquarters, told The Epoch Times on Nov. 10: “The information we have received is that Xi Jinping may arrive in San Francisco on the evening of Nov. 14. The several high ways and roads to San Francisco International Airport have already been temporarily controlled in these few days.”

Videos on social media show that homeless people have all been cleared out from the streets near the CCP’s consulate in San Francisco, while fences more than 6 feet tall have been up to prevent protesters from getting into streets.

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A person walks past the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco, Calif., on July 23, 2020. (Philip Pacheco/AFP via Getty Images)

Mr. Jie said: “Xi Jinping is very likely to pass by there. If there is a chance, we are ready to intercept Xi Jinping’s special vehicle to show our strongest protest. Because many petitioners, including many like me, have suffered the loss of family members and families being destroyed by human rights abuses, and we are very angry. We do not welcome human rights violators visiting the United States. I think this is a betrayal of human rights and a discredit to the democratic and free system.”

On Nov. 11, various anti-communist groups in Los Angeles held a press conference to protest against the tyranny of the CCP and Mr. Xi’s visit to the United States.

The organizers of this event in Los Angeles include China Democracy Party, Los Angeles China Democracy Platform, Liberty Sculpture Park and Chinese Women’s Rights, Tibetan independence organizations, as well as more than 10 human rights organizations such as the Tibetan Association of Southern California and the Los Angeles branch of the Myanmar Democratic League Movement.

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Photographs of people who performed self-immolations in protest of the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution of Tibetans, displayed on the steps of City Hall in San Francisco on March 10, 2023. (Xue Mingzhu/The Epoch Times)

Mr. Jie said: “On Nov. 14, we will hold an English press conference to call on Chinese across China to revolt, and we will also sign a denunciation to remove Xi Jinping.

“This will be the largest overseas protest against the CCP. Not only people from Los Angeles and San Francisco, but also from New York, Washington DC, Seattle, Denver, Chicago and other places have come one after another to protest. There are about one hundred groups and organizations,” Mr. Jie said.

They include the China Democracy Party, China Ethnic Education Foundation, Humane China, China Human Rights, China Alliance for Democracy and Human Rights and the Democratic Front in the United States, as well as democratic and human rights groups for Tibet, Hong Kong, Vietnam, the Philippines and other regions.

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Banners are displayed at the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco to condemn the Chinese Communist Party on China’s National Day on Oct. 1, 2020. (Ilene Eng/The Epoch Times)

Chen Chuangchuang, executive director of the China Democracy Party National Committee in New York, told The Epoch Times: “Every time Xi Jinping came to the United States, I was there to protest. This time, the demands are for Xi Jinping to step down, the Communist Party to step down, and to release some political prisoners. In this protest, I am not only serving as a member of the China Democracy Party, who demands the release of jailed political prisoners, including Peng Lifa, and shows solidarity with all ethnic groups, I also have a special demand, condemning the dog slaughter campaign launched by Xi Jinping across China.”

CCP Consulates Pay Overseas Chinese to Welcome Xi

Screenshots of online posts show that the CCP’s consulates in San Francisco and Los Angeles are calling on Chinese organizations in the United States, such as Chinese university alumni associations and Chinese students and scholars associations, to participate in activities to welcome Xi Jinping, with all transportation and accommodation paid for them by the consulates.

Mr. Chen said: “Not only in Los Angeles and San Francisco, it is said that they (the Chinese Consulate) in New York are also organizing people to fly over to welcome Xi. Of course, the CCP has paid for them, otherwise who would do such a thing.”

“We are very experienced in the protests. Because we have many people protesting, they have to recruit some people every time to fight against us. The main purpose is to make momentum for show. When the pictures are taken, they show that there are not only those who oppose Xi, but there are also people who welcome Xi. Then they will only film the crowd organized by themselves,” Mr. Chen said.

Sheng Xue, a Chinese writer living in Canada, told The Epoch Times: “The persecution of human rights in China has reached an unprecedented level. Various groups have asked Biden to discuss human rights issues when he meets with Xi Jinping. This creates pressure on Biden, and for Xi Jinping, it is, of course, a potential threat.

“I believe Xi Jinping will receive very enthusiastic protests at this summit. This in itself will be a highlight of the event.”

Li Yun contributed to this report.

From The Epoch Times