Shen Yun Performing Arts successfully closed the curtain on three performances at the Aronoff Center for the Arts in Cincinnati on March 2 and 3. Audience members said they were delighted with the company’s artistry.
“We enjoyed the show very much. We loved the dancing. We loved the stories that they were telling on stage, and the music was wonderful,” said Mark Dorfmueller, the former senior director of Procter & Gamble.
Terry Shumrick, an actor, greatly appreciated Shen Yun’s choreography and artistry.
“The choreography was so good. And it was impressive to me because I didn’t know people could move this way.”
“I like the mix of colors and the gradation of colors, and I love the precision. It is so accurately done. The choreography is just perfect,” said Robert Dilgard, a retired industrial and graphic designer and owner of Imagine Design.
Shen Yun aims to revive 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture from before communism. Theatergoers praised the artists for their dedication.
“I think they’ve done a really wonderful job of reviving them and actually retaining them, if you will. And helping other people understand what the Chinese culture is about,” said Mr. Dorfmueller.
“I think it’s a great effort. To have all of these companies that perform this all over the world is so informative. And it’s a wonderful way to be informative because it brings people together and it’s beautiful,” said Jane Silvers, a lawyer.
“I would love to learn more about the culture. I know that there is more to China than what we see today. Thousands and thousands of years of history and culture. I want to know more,” said Michael More, the vice-president of Gamco Inc.
Shen Yun showcases the spirit of ancient Chinese civilization through dance, music, and stories.
“The way that it’s being presented, everything, it’s beautiful. And with all the persecution that’s gone on in the past, we need this. To show people just how beautiful the Chinese people are,” said Charlie Pugh, the co-owner of Lunatic Fringe.
“It’s so well coordinated the way it’s pieced together. It’s very impressive,” said Mr. Dilgard.
“I almost want to cry, it’s so lovely. When I’m happy, I might shed a few tears. But I just loved it, big smile too,” said Celine Estiol, who is a retired business owner.
Shen Yun will be performing at the Ohio Theatre in Columbus, Ohio, on March 5 and 6.
NTD News, Cincinnati, Ohio