Michigan Republicans Vote to Remove State GOP Chairwoman Karamo, GOP Calls Attempt Illegal

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January 7, 2024Politics
Michigan Republicans Vote to Remove State GOP Chairwoman Karamo, GOP Calls Attempt Illegal
Kristina Karamo speaks to Michigan Republican Party delegates in Lansing, Mich., on Feb. 18, 2023. (Joey Cappelletti/AP Photo)

Some members of Michigan GOP voted to remove state GOP Chairwoman Kristina Karamo at a state committee meeting on Jan. 6. But the attempt was quickly denounced by the Michigan Republican Party, which called it illegal.

A Jan. 6 statement with the letterhead of the Michigan Republican Party claimed that Ms. Karamo was removed from her post and that Malinda Pego, who served as the co-chair of the party, will now be the acting chair. The statement was issued by Ms. Pego, according to a post on X, formerly Twitter, by investigative journalist Laura Loomer.

However, the Michigan GOP issued a statement dismissing these claims. “This allegation that Chairwoman Kristina Karamo has been removed is patently false,” Michigan GOP said in an X post.

“@mdeperno was easily defeated by Chairwoman Karamo by a blowout margin in their race for MI GOP Chairperson,” it said referring to Ms. Karamo defeating former Attorney General Matthew DePerno in February last year to become the GOP head. Mr. DePerno was endorsed by former President Donald Trump to be the chair. Ms. Karamo also has the backing of President Trump.

“This sore-loser retribution will not be tolerated within the Michigan Republican Party,” the party said. The meeting and vote to remove Ms. Karamo was held on Jan. 6.

“The rogue cabal of anti-grassroots establishment operatives, led by Malinda Pego, initiated the attempted coup when they colluded with Matt DePerno and other unethical individuals from the Oakland County Republican Committee,” the Michigan GOP said in a Jan. 6 press release.

The party claimed that the votes were “illegitimate” and violated Michigan Republican Party bylaws and the state election laws.

“Chairwoman Kristina Karamo and her administrative officials will take swift and decisive action to hold all participants in today’s attempted coup accountable to the fullest extent allowed under the rules of the Michigan Republican Party bylaws,” the statement said.

In a statement to CNN, Bree Moeggenberg from the Michigan GOP state committee said that more than 88 percent of party members were present for the Jan. 6 meeting and voted on whether to remove Ms. Karamo or not.

“We have taken the first step to engage and protect the various voices and liberties of all Republicans. … We have voted to remove Kristina Karamo as the Chair of the Michigan Republican Party.”

The conflict within Michigan GOP has grown ever since Ms. Karamo became the state chair. Under her leadership, the party has been struggling with poor finances. Many GOP members blame Ms. Karamo’s focus on grassroots fundraising rather than large donations for being responsible for the financial crisis.

Party Troubles, 2024 Election

After her ascension as the chair of the Michigan GOP, Ms. Karamo has been constantly vilified for her stance on election integrity, conservatism, and her ideas on party organization. “I was elected to disrupt decades of corruption and to return power back to the people,” she stated.

The GOP chair has faced opposition from what is called the “establishment” group within the party. “They simply want their power back,” Ms. Karamo said in an interview with The Epoch Times last month.

Donations have dried up, a fact confirmed by party treasurer Jennifer Standerfer. “Donations are significantly down, as we have gone from being funded by a few large donors to largely being funded by the grassroots. Kristina is working on getting donations for the party and in November, we received $300,000 in donations.”

However, one anonymous Republican leader saw it as a good compromise, saying that they were happy to be free from the old system when the party would be dependent on “about 12 megadonors and all the strings that came with it.”

“They controlled who the candidates would be, and they ensured that there would be no chance for a constitutionalist candidate,” the person said.

Ms. Karamo’s critics have lashed out at her, accusing the chairwoman of weakening the party. “Kristina Karamo did nothing to raise money,” said Ms. Moeggenberg. She accused Ms. Karamo’s leadership of being uncooperative, manipulative, and controlling.

“The abuse of authority is a sin. Kristina is pushing people away … I believe the majority of the state committee no longer has confidence in her,” she said.

The conflict within the state GOP is taking place as the 2024 general elections inches closer and Michigan will be a key swing state in potentially determining the results of the race. The people of Michigan must “depend on God and good information and not the state party,” Ms. Karamo said.

According to a Dec. 14 update from Morning Consult, GOP candidate President Trump is leading President Biden in seven key swing states, including Michigan where the former president has a four-point lead over his rival.

President Trump was listed on the Michigan ballot in November. Activists have tried to remove the former president from the ballots. However, the Michigan Supreme Court thwarted the move last month.

President Trump praised the decision. “The Michigan Supreme Court has strongly and rightfully denied the Desperate Democrat attempt to take the leading Candidate in the 2024 Presidential Election, me, off the ballot in the Great State of Michigan.”

Steven Kovac contributed to this report. 

From The Epoch Times

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